Ethics Statement

AAEES Ethics Statement


The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) provides leadership and excellence in environmental engineering and environmental science to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of society and the sustainability of the natural and built environments. AAEES has a special role in the stewardship of the environment since it is the organization responsible for environmental engineering and environmental science board certification and the lead society overseeing ABET accreditation for Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering Technology, Environmental Science, and similarly named programs.  Ethical behavior is an essential core value of AAEES, and all participants in the activities of AAEES - guests, students, members, Board Certified individuals, honorary members, retired members, staff, and all others - are expected to adhere to its ethical standards stated below:

Canon 1: Professionalism and Competency. Our members are expected to exhibit a high level of professionalism in all their activities. They will exhibit and promote integrity, competence, trust, accountability, and honesty. They will utilize scientific methods, engineering principles, and apply considered judgement, appropriate guidelines, and standards. They will conscientiously avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest but when unavoidable, they will forthwith disclose all conflicts.  As educators and mentors, AAEES members will strive to ensure that graduates from environmental programs are technically and ethically prepared to enter the profession. 

Canon 2: Public Health, Environmental Stewardship, and Sustainability. Recognizing that the natural and built environment must coexist in harmony, our members will work to: protect public health, human welfare, and the natural environment from damage; and restore ecosystem health. They will support and contribute to sustainable development practices in the built environment, considering and balancing societal, environmental, and economic impacts locally and globally.

Canon 3: Respect, Dignity, and Equity. Our members respect the dignity of each person, and actively uphold and incorporate human rights, including social and environmental equity, diversity, and inclusivity, into their activities.   

Canon 4: Advancing the Profession. Our members are committed to applying and advancing innovative practices, sharing knowledge to create appropriate solutions for society, and embracing multidisciplinary collaboration for current and future generations. 

All participants in the activities of AAEES are responsible for supporting adherence to these canons. In particular, everyone must be vigilant and when applicable raise our voices to ensure the wellbeing of society and the environment. For Board Certified individuals, violations of these ethical canons will be referred to the Certification Revolution Committee as laid out in the AAEES Policy and Procedures Manual.



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