Public Input Opportunities

The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists® provides the public with opportunities for input into the policies and decisions of the certifying bodies, namely the American Academy of Environmental Engineers Certification Board (AAEECB) and the American Academy of Environmental Scientists Certification Board (AAESCB). This is accomplished in several ways:

Through Comprehensive Representation on the Board of Trustees

The Academy’s Board of Trustees is composed of 23 individuals. Eleven of the BOT members represent Sponsoring Organizations:

  • Air & Waste Management Association
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • American Public Health Association
  • American Public Works Association
  • American Society for Engineering Education
  • American Society of Civil Engineers
  • American Water Works Association
  • Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
  • National Society of Professional Engineers
  • Solid Waste Association of North America
  • Water Environment Federation

These BOT members are appointed-not elected-by their respective Sponsoring Organization. Several of those organizations are not engineering-specific associations. For example, the American Public Works Association and the Water Environment Federation represent users and consumers. Their representatives provide input in the public interest and have the opportunity to contribute to the formulation of policies and decisions.

Through State Representatives

The Academy have state representatives who are listed on our web site and who relay any information received from the public in those states to the Academy.

Through Regular Communications

The Academy offers a quarterly periodical, Environmental Engineer and Scientist, that may be accessed for free from this web site by anyone who is interested. The periodical invites letters, and any letters received that pertain to the perspectives of those served by certified professionals are forwarded for evaluation and comment. The Academy also provides a monthly electronic newsletter, Highpoints, which is also available free to the public. If appropriate, any comments received about operations or activities are forwarded to the Board of Trustees. Similarly, the Academy has a robust presence on social media (see links at the bottom of the page) where the public may provide perspectives that can be brought forward to the BOT for consideration.

Through Participation in Other Organizations and Committees

ABETThe Academy is a full member of the Accreditation Board of Engineering & Technology (ABET). The Academy is the lead agency for ABET accrediting environmental engineering programs at colleges and universities nationally and worldwide. It has representatives on ABET’s Engineering Accreditation Commission, the Technology Accreditation Commission, and the Applied Science Accreditation Commission.

NCEESThe Academy is a Participating Organization with a representative on the POLC of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying and assists in the Environmental Engineering state examinations. This affords the public and users represented by NCEES and ABET and its commissions ongoing opportunities to contribute to the formulation of policies and decisions of the certifying body through communications to the BOT.

The Academy is also a full partner with the United States Water Partnership in association with the United States State Department.


Our Partners

ABET AECOM AEESP AIChE APHA APWA ASCE ASEE AWMA  Black and VeatchCDM SmithCDM Smith CESB DSWA EESF Geosyntec LACSD ladwp   MWDSC nacwa naem    OCSAN PDH Online SCS Engineers Stanley ConsultantsSWANA usaidis uswaterpartnership WEF