Regional Events

Our 2023 focus was on trying new activities and strengthening our connection with and between our members. Our regional Zoom events gave AAEES members and guests the opportunity to join up, hang out, and build professional relationships. 

AAEES held several regional events in 2023.  The areas covered included:

  • NY/Boston
  • LA/Phoenix
  • Chicago/Milwaukee/Detroit/Cleveland
  • Dallas/Houston
  • Philly/DC
  • Atlanta/Miami



Our Partners

ABET AECOM AEESP AIChE APHA APWA ASCE ASEE AWMA  Black and VeatchCDM SmithCDM Smith CESB DSWA EESF Geosyntec LACSD ladwp   MWDSC nacwa naem    OCSAN PDH Online SCS Engineers Stanley ConsultantsSWANA usaidis uswaterpartnership WEF